Woman To Woman Session

About Me

“Woman To Woman Session“ creator

... My Story ...

My journey had begun far before I was born, with my female ancestors cultivating and nourishing our gifts and traditions. They were passed onto me by my kind-hearted and open-minded mother. Respect, support and loyalty was seeded in me and my older sister.
Despite rebelling, falling down, fighting my core, I was still able to stay true to myself. I have expanded on my gifts and grew them into knowledge, alongside my dear life friend, a well respected hermetic Kron Dag. I was able to reinforce my respect for nature and life elements, and Celtic/Slavic traditions.

I have been also guided, as well as healed, by great masters, using traditional Chinese medicine techniques.
I have lived on different continents, various countries, learn their languages and cultures, and absorbed the life styles.

I have been collecting stories shared with me by women living in different parts of the world. Introduced to various religions, origins, beliefs, languages. Listened, laughed and cried to stories of happiness, achievements, disappointments, fall-downs, rise-ups, dreams.
With down-to-earth reality, I have been balancing my continuously growing family, founding different businesses, and participating for decades in fashion and interior décor. I am passionate about art in any form and fascinated by female celestial charm.

I have found my peace and strength that I am now able to share.
Today I am a mature woman, raising 3 daughters into individuals, each in her own unique way. Balancing female-male energy for over 25 years in a partnership, with my husband.

...In the personal growth seminars...

“Finding inner woman” / Europe 1996-98
“Circle of Life” / Europe 1997-09
Ayurvedic approche/foundation Panchakarma (five actions) 1990- present
“Moxibustion “ 20 years of experience in personal use, certificate of completion Wushan TCM Institute / China/Thailand/Canada
“Balancing the Meridians” certificate of completion Wushan TCM / China/Canada
Qi Gong; passion, life practice
“Mastering Sheng Qi” also called Dragon Breath in Feng Shui philosophy 1996-to present
“Impact of Religions and Beliefs in our lives”/Thailand
“Herbs and their Healing Powers”/ Europe
“Thai traditional massage” Wat Pho Bangkok
“Anthropology, inter-religious Asian studies” / Bangkok university 2013-2014
“Mandala Therapy” / Thailand
“Sak Yant/Yantra” / Thailand
“Connect your Qi” Wushan TCM / China
“Emotions and Diseases” in traditional Chinese medicine / China
“Nutrition and Body Care mentor “ Europe / Thailand 1995-to present
“Gua Sha - Treatment” Thailand/China

... Fashion and Art ...

Face brand ambassador/modelling /world wide
Senior creative, Production, Mentoring and coaching new faces in fashion
Co-founder, CEO Asia, building family business
Europe . Italy . Bangkok . Singapore
Interior design ”collaborations”
Asia . Europe
“Art “ any form of art, various projects, support
Co-founder ”Ladies Club” - platform for successful women to meet (business woman, politician, entrepreneur to connect, support life.)
English . Slovak . Italian . Russian . Czech . Thai

... References ...

Women I respect, admire and who have been part of my journey giving me strength, inspiration, 
loyalty and endless support are here to share their thoughts .

... My Rejuvenation...

Follow your instinct when allowing someone into your inner circle. Such someone must exhibit knowledge, experience, mental and even physical strength.

For me to be able to pass on certain energy it is important to recharge and cultivate my mental and physical strength by practicing Qi Gong combined with meditations , rituals and life style.

... Paying Respect...

“Soothe Your Soul “
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