Woman To Woman Session


Creating Balance

... About ...

The Woman to Woman Session starts with a dialogue sharing basic information about the current emotional, physical and mental state.
Then explores expectations, desires and goals that are envisioned from the session. Second part reflects on what is agreed on. Every session is personalised and each time aligned with the request or present need, to stimulate “Qi” life energy (see more in Benefits).

I have created these sessions to nourish and empower womanhood using my knowledge in alternative approaches using different techniques and tools, Chinese traditional diagnostics, herbs. Stimulating the pressure points establishes balance in the body, which is necessary to maintain and improve our health. I offer Moxibustion treatment, where I use a heated Moxa stick (Mugwart also known as Black Sage) indirectly (no direct touch on the skin), warming specific meridians (see more in Benefits).
Such Moxibustion treatment is often requested by my clients, as it is pleasant and ultimately relaxing and very beneficial to women. For years, I have been treating myself with this techniques on weekly basis.

I recommend continuity, as it brings balance and ailment symptoms alleviation. The treatments can be fully completed in a sitting position, some clients however, prefer a meditative or reclined position. I offer my personal visits, as clients often prefer their own space where they feel comfortable and safe, but arrangements for a location may be made upon request.
I work with women that are connected with the essence of their being and understand the importance of nourishing their mental health and womanhood. I am also grateful for women in need that turn to me to empower and balance their inner woman.

... Benefits ...

Restoring over all natural energy flow . Introducing to own healing power, cultivating mental, physical and spiritual health.

for Women

Targets emotional balance.
Relieves stress and anxiety.
Supports personal growth by focusing on what feels as the biggest hardship at the moment.
Slows and calms down the brain to allow our thoughts to be more focused, clear and sharp, thus gaining more strength and self-awareness.
Alleviates headache symptoms.
Emotional menopause support.
Stimulates meridians and pressure points to establish balance in our body thus improves our physical, emotional and mental health.
Session combined with Moxibustion as a preventive treatment strengthens immunity and regulates “Qi” life energy, ultimately relaxes and comforts. One of very powerful tools in the Chinese traditional medicine.
Prevents aging and stimulates beauty.

... Price List...

Complementary 15 minutes of initial consultation online.
I recommend continuity as it brings the foundation for balance.
WTW Session + moxibustion
Book a SessionContact me to learn more at katmart@mac.com
“Soothe Your Soul “
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